Fantasy Quest Cancellation / No Show Policy
(Effective 1/1/17)
As a general rule, refunds will not be issued.
Cancellations must be received by Fantasy Quest prior to midnight on Wednesday the week before the Event (10 days). This is to assist the staff in properly preparing for each event, taking into consideration each participant.
If you’ve paid in advance, and Fantasy Quest is notified of your cancellation by the above deadline, your event payment will be rolled forward to the next time you can attend an event. Three rollovers are allowed; after that, payment will be required.
If you’ve paid in advance, and Fantasy Quest is NOT notified of your cancellation by the above deadline (or if you are a No-Show), your event payment still will be rolled forward to the next time you can attend an event - there will, however, be a $10.00 surcharge to attend the next event for each missed cancellation deadline / no-show. Three rollovers are allowed; after that, payment will be required.
If you’d be paying at the door, and Fantasy Quest is notified of your cancellation by the above deadline, no further action is necessary on your part, and no action will be taken by Fantasy Quest.
If you’d be paying at the door, and Fantasy Quest is NOT notified of your cancellation by the above deadline (or if you are a No-Show), there will be a $10.00 surcharge to attend the next event for each missed cancellation / no-show.
Whether or not you’ve paid in advance, after your 2nd late cancellation or no-show, you will no longer receive the discounted price for pre-registration, until otherwise determined by the Board of Directors.
To notify Fantasy Quest of a cancellation, you can:
2025 Event Registration - TBA
Live The Adventure!
Copyright 2007-2024 by FantasyQuest Productions Inc.
Registration email:
(Please review the Cancellation policy at bottom of page - thank you.)
(revised May 2018)
A group of generous donors has agreed to sponsor players, on a per Event basis, who presently cannot afford to attend Fantasy Quest events for one reason or another. If you are having a cash flow problem but still would like to come to FQ, there are a limited number of scholarships available. The only conditions are that you have to explain why you need the scholarship, and you have to be willing to do an 8-hour NPC shift. The requests will be kept confidential, being reviewed only by the Keepers. They will decide to whom the scholarships will be awarded, and, in doing so, they will take into account past participation and the reason for the request.
If you are interested in being awarded one of the scholarships, please send an email to:
SCHOLARSHIP DONATION INFORMATION - We've had several inquiries about how to donate to the scholarship fund.
Anyone who wishes to donate to the may send a check payable to "Fantasy Quest Productions, Inc.", write "scholarship fund" in the memo line, and mail it to PO Box 235, Groton, CT, 06340. Donor and recipient names will be kept confidential. Any amount will be accepted; every $50 will fund one scholarship. If you have any special conditions, or want a copy of our IRS approval letter for a tax deduction, then include a note with your check. Thank you for your willingness to help!
You can register & pay online (see links below). You can register by email to & either pay at the door or send a check to Fantasy Quest, PO Box 235, Groton, CT, 06340. For scholarships, see info at the bottom of this page.
NPC SHIFTS: Playing at game but NPCing for a total of either 2 or 4 hours. The staff may split up shifts as needed per event, meaning a 4 hour shift could be split into a 1.5 hour shift and a 2.5 hour shift. Usually shifts are split into 2 hour blocks. Players can register for an NPC shift and receive either a discount, wild card points, or grab bag draws.
Discount - $15 off registration price - available only with a 4 hr shift
Wild Card Points - 2 hrs of standard wild card points/hour for a 2 hr shift
or 4 hrs of standard wild card points/hour for a 4 hr shift
Grab Bag Draws - 1 small for a 2 hr shift - 2 small or 1 large for a 4 hr shift
When registering with an NPC shift for points or grab bag, please email us and let us know if it's points or grab bag, and 2 or 4 hrs. You'll be notified when your shift(s) is/are scheduled for at check-in.
TEMP NPC: A Player may not have made registration in time, is unable to attend a full event, or have other various life reasons they can’t come play during the Event. A Temp NPC will be staffing for the duration that they are at the game. While bringing your character costuming is fine, you should not expect to play your character. Also, while we will gladly have you last minute, if you happen to know you will be Temp Npcing letting us know asap is appreciated so we know what staff size we will have for the weekend. The same goes for Canceling, please let us know ASAP that we are down a person.
Rewards for Temp NPCing:
Half price off your next event - only available for a full weekend of staffing
Up to 20 character skill points - Full Event is 20 CP, reduced based on time staffing at event
DINNER SAT: FQ provides dinner Saturday night for an additional $10 - use the "With Dinner" column to register with dinner for the event. If you register without it, you can always add it by using the "Magic $10" button.
STAYING AT THE GRIFFIN'S LANDING INN: There are bunks available for players at The Griffin's Landing (similar to the cabin set-ups). To stay here, you **MUST** notify the Staff via email (to - see link at top of page) - You'll also need to arrange this in-game with an Innkeeper (there will be an in-game cost per night). There's no additional out-of-game cost to stay here.
Click the appropriate link(s) below to register and/or pay online.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a **50 player** cap to each regular in-game event registration. The first 50 players will be registered, any others will be placed on a waiting list (or can NPC for the Event).
New Player, no dinner - $20
PreReg no dinner, no npc shift - $70
PreReg no dinner, w/npc shift discount- $55
PreReg no dinner, w/npc shift wc pts or grab bag - $70
EVENT PRICES (Pre-registration prices)
All except New Players add $10 if registering after the PreReg deadline has passed:
New Player, with dinner - $30
PreReg with dinner, no npc shift - $80
PreReg with dinner, with npc shift discount - $65
PreReg with dinner, with npc shift wc pts or grab bag - $80
IF AN EVENT BECOMES SOLD OUT, it will be noted below on the appropriate dates. To be placed on a waiting list or to NPC for this Event, or both, you can email us at the address below and indicate which option you'd like (waiting list, NPC, or both if you'll be NPCing if you can't play.). ***IF YOU'RE ALREADY REGISTERED***, but didn't pay online and would like to, you can still do so (scroll down). PLEASE NOTE - these are pre-reg prices - if you're not a New Player, and registered After the pre-reg date, please use the "Magic $10" button (scroll down) to pay the additional $10 for regular registration prices. New Player prices do not change after pre-reg. Thank you, and we hope you enjoy the game!
Fantasy Quest is requiring players and staff to be fully vaccinated in order to participate in the events. We are doing this for the safety and peace of mind of all involved. If you plan on attending an event, and haven't already submitted your proof of vaccination, you can send it to us at the "FQregistration" email shown at the top left of this page. NOTE: You do not need to submit it more than once. ALSO NOTE: When submitting your proof, please make sure the cards are not covered in any way. We need to verify all information before accepting the proof. If you have questions or concerns regarding this requirement, please email us. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you! -FQ Staff
Thanks to everyone for another wonderful year!
See you in the spring - 2025 dates To Be Announced once available.