Live The Adventure!
Fantasy Quest's regular seasonal Events take place at Camp Asto Wamah in Columbia, CT, at 42 Route 87 (between Rte 6 and Rte 66).
There will be a Camp Asto Wamah sign at the entrance (a dirt driveway), and there should be a Fantasy Quest sign hanging below that.
--From Western CT, Central NY, or Western MA:
(From MA, take Rte I-91 South to Rte I-84) Take Rte I-84 East to Rte 6 East, then right onto Rte 87. Camp is approximately 1 mile on the right.
--From Eastern MA:
Take Rte I-395 South to Rte 6, then left onto Rte 87 (just past junction with Rte 66). Camp is approximately 1 mile on the right.
Take Rte I-84 West to Rte I-384 East to Rte 6 East, then right onto Rte 87. Camp is approximately 1 mile on the right.
--From NJ and Southern NY:
Take Rte I-95 North or Rte 15 (Merritt Parkway) North to Rte I-91 North to Rte 66 East into Columbia, then take a left onto Rte 87. Camp is approximately 3 miles on the left.
--From Southern CT:
Take Rte I-395 North to Rte 32 North, then a left onto Rte 87. Camp is approximately 30 minutes away on the left, 2.5 miles past the junction with Rte 66.
Take Rte I-395 North to Rte 2 West to Rte 66 East, then a left onto Rte 87. Camp is approximately 3 miles on the left.
Basic Directions:
Welcome to the Burgh of New Stonewatch!
Copyright 2007-2024 by FantasyQuest Productions Inc.