Live The Adventure!
Copyright 2007-2024 by FantasyQuest Productions Inc.
What is Live Action Role Playing?
Live Action Role Playing (LARPing) can be defined as "fully improvisational drama," or acting without a predetermined script. You take on another persona, or role, and act it out, as you proceed through whatever situation or setting is presented to you.
You may have heard of "murder-mystery" weekends or cruises; these are only one kind of live action role playing. Military war games, believe it or not, are another. Live action role playing, therefore, comes in many varieties; it can be strictly entertainment, or it can be used as a tool for training, therapy, or any number of other purposes. Fantasy Quest (also known as "FQ") is a live action role playing game with a medieval fantasy setting, where swordplay and sorcery are possible, and fame and fortune await you!
Where is Fantasy Quest located?
We are based in central Connecticut, USA, at Camp Asto Wamah in the town of Columbia, just under half an hour east of Hartford. This is site where the majority of Fantasy Quest events are operated. In-game, the Camp is known as the Burgh of New Stonewatch.
Who can play Fantasy Quest?
Essentially, anyone! We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, disability, religion, or anything else. There is, however, an age requirement: you must be at least 16 years of age to participate (under 18 years requires written parental consent). Player & staff ages have ranged from 16 to 60+. Also, be aware that this can be a fairly physical activity.
Why the age requirement? Can't you make an exception for me?
The age limit is due to our insurance policy. In these litigious times, we cannot consider operating FQ without insurance. So we can't do anything to jeopardize it. Therefore, we cannot make exceptions, not for any reason, and not under any circumstances. Our insurance company doesn't care if you've played these kinds of games before, or if you're mature for your age. No, we don't like turning away enthusiastic young players - we simply have no choice in the matter, and for that, we are truly sorry.
What can I expect, at a Fantasy Quest event?
Action, adventure, monsters, magic, mayhem, the eternal clash between good and evil, fear, intrigue, conspiracy, alliances, friends, enemies, good guys (and gals), bad gals (and guys), fun, mystery, wizards, thieves, faery, clerics, warriors, combat, puzzles, moral dilemmas, riddles, strategy, monsters, spirits, diplomacy, victory, defeat, and much, much more!
What exactly do I "DO" at Fantasy Quest?
A better question might be, "what can't one do?" There is a lot you can do at a FQ event. There are always new characters to interact with, a huge, monster-ridden forest to trek about and tame, treasures to uncover, groups to join, "in-game" items to steal or buy, creatures to fight, places to discover, dungeons and crypts to explore, noble houses to work for, traps to dodge, tricks to play, tournaments, festivals, games - these are a mere handful of the millions of possibilities!
What will I need, to play Fantasy Quest?
First of all, you'll have to supply your own costume, a boffer weapon (discussed in a separate question below), and spell packets (if you want to play a spell-caster). You'll be camping in unheated cabins, so you'll need a sleeping bag, warm costuming, snacks, meals (for the ones we don't provide), personal hygiene gear (toothbrush, towels, etc.), cabin props if you want your cabin to look "in-game," and a copy of the FQ Rulebook (after all, how can you play if you don't know the rules?). You will also want to consider the weather conditions expected and pack accordingly.
What limits are there on events due to weather conditions?
FQ events are played rain or shine. Unless some huge weather disaster stops us, the game will run as scheduled. Preparing your character for all potential weather is a good idea. There is somewhat of old adage that states "it always rains in New Stonewatch". While this is not necessarily true, it is the best approach to take when packing your things.
What is a "boffer weapon" and how do I make one?
A "boffer weapon" is a safe "weapon" to be used in "mock" combat. No, we're not sure of the origin of the name "boffer," our best guess is the name is reminiscent of the "boff" sound you hear when someone is struck by one. At any rate, the most common type of boffer weapon is the long sword. All boffer weapons follow basic specifications that ensure safe, durable weapons. Other types of weapons, such as clubs, spears, staffs, etc. are simply variations of the same basic design. Instructions for crafting a boffer weapon can be found in the Rulebook (on the "Player Info" page of this website). The FQ staff, or even veteran players, are more than willing and able to help you. Any questions can be directed to:
Can I bring ornate weapons for effect, even though I won't use them?
Absolutely not! Due to safety reasons, no "live steel" of any kind is allowed on the premises. This includes replica swords, large pocket knives, ornate daggers, or even letter openers. You will be asked to remove the item immediately so don't even bring them.
Can Player Characters attack other Player Characters?
Yes. Sometimes role-play will put you in the position where you must take action against another player character (PC), whether it be for revenge, or an open challenge, such as honor combat. By all means, have at it. However, PC bashing is prohibited. As an example, new players start at just about every FQ event. To pick on these inexperienced players, because you know they're new, low-level players is wrong, and is considered a form of "metagaming". That being said, most veteran players do their best to make first games special for new players, whether it be through guidance or tutelage or through role-playing. Everyone at FQ wants to see you have a great time!
How long does the game run?
Our regular Spring & Fall events are 3-day events. "Game On" is called around 10 p.m. on Friday night, and the game runs through Sunday around 12 p.m., when "Game Over" is called. The game runs for 24 hours a day, for a total of roughly 38 hours of adventuring fun! You are in-game when you are awake. You are in-game when you are sleeping. Your cabin can be raided at any time. Don't worry...everyone is exhausted at the close of an event. You never get used to it. Just go have fun and Live the Adventure!
Can I just come and watch? I'll stay out of the way.
No, observing the game is not permitted. FQ is not a spectator sport. Even if you were dressed in period costume, the presence of out-of-game voyeurs would be distracting to the players. You may attend a game as a player and stay out of the flow if you wish but remember that you are in-game and must react to the things that happen around you, such as an Troll looking to eat you as an easy lunch. If you wish to avoid combat you can always run away when trouble presents itself.
I want to learn how to play Fantasy Quest before I get there. Where can I learn?
The most important first step is to download a copy of our rulebook, which can be found on the "Player Info" page of this website. Most of your questions will be best answered there. Prior to each event we hold a pre-game orientation meeting for all new players. In it we cover the rules and actually demonstrate how they are used, so you won't be left in the dark. However, we understand your excitement and eagerness to start (hey, we were all standing in your shoes once!), so we're willing to answer any and all questions before the events. Feel free to contact us! Contact information can be found on the "Contact Us" page of this website.
Where can I get costumes, armor, and other props?
The easiest way to try on and purchase medieval costumes is at your local Renaissance festival, such as the Connecticut Renaissance Faire, King Richard's Faire in Massachusetts, the New York Renaissance Fair, etc. You can also search consignment shops, tag/estate sales, or even your attic! You also can make them yourself from patters (found at a fabric store, or online), if you feel creative and are skilled in sewing. But no matter what, it's important to be sure your costume looks medieval. Please, no T-shirts, sneakers, jeans, etc. Again, if you're really stuck, you can get help or borrow costumes or props from FQ staff or players. We're really a helpful bunch!
How much money does Fantasy Quest make?
In a word, none. FQ is an non-profit corporation, and all our Staff and Board members are unpaid volunteers. Every bit of revenue is invested back into the game, so we can purchase masks, costumes, props, special effects, etc., and make our events better and better over time. FQ is run like a professional organization (and it is), but LARPing is our hobby. We aren't out to make a profit, we're just here to have a good time with our friends!
Is there a membership fee to join?
No - we've never had a membership fee. The only fees you pay are event registration fees for the events you attend.
How often does Fantasy Quest hold events?
We run three weekend-long events each spring and each autumn. We often offer two "off season" one-day events, one in the winter, and one in the summer. Sometimes these events are in-game, sometimes they're just a chance to get together out-of-game, such as our MidWinter's Feast and our Barb-FQ.
Can I help out?
Yes! As noted above, FQ is run solely by volunteers. Thus, we're always looking for help for a variety of tasks. We can always use help with set-up before each event, and with breakdown afterward. We also can use costumes, weapons, spell-packets, plots and stories, cast members (also known as NPCs - Non Player Characters), props, etc. There's also a lot of work to be done between events and between seasons. If you've got a talent and would like to help out, please let us know! You can email us at: We like to see people get involved in every way they can. We also have a "wild card" system as a "thank you" to players for their assistance; by getting wild card points, you can earn discounts on events, free meals, "in-game" money, skill points for your character, etc.
How intense is the combat?
The combat at FQ can get very intense at times, and it can be quite challenging - yet it is very safe. We use only foam-padded "boffer weapons" that are checked for safety before each event. A melee at FQ can be as brief as one second, or as long as you can endure - depending, of course, on the person or monster you're fighting! It is very, very important that your weapons meet our safety specifications at all times. We're happy to help you make them safely, so if you have any questions, please contact us - contact information can be found on our "Contact Us" page.
How physically demanding is Fantasy Quest?
We won't try to kid you about this - FQ can be VERY physically demanding. Our regular Spring and Fall events run from Friday night to Sunday afternoon, and you're in-game for the entire event - eating, sleeping, etc. The game is played on a 38 acre camp, with many paths, and you may find that your feet will fall on each one at some point. You may be sitting lazily on the Tourney Field, when a pack of orcs shows up! Do you flee for your life, or run to the aid of someone else? Maybe you need to meet someone on the other side of camp in less than half an hour - or maybe your cabin gets raided by bandits at 3 am. Many of us, players and staff alike, are exhausted by the end of the event. We say this not to discourage you, but to make sure you know what you may be in for. In spite of that, most of our players and staff feel that it's entirely worth it!
That being said, the pace of your FQ game is, to a large extent, in your control. You don't need to go on every plot that shows up - if you're tired and want some down time, you can skip some of the adventure and hang out at the Tavern (sorry, no real alcohol for insurance reasons), or at the Tourney Field, or even take a nap (at your own risk, of course - one never knows what might wander into your cabin...).
Injuries, disabilities or health issues don't necessarily mean you can't play. If you have possible issues, please be sure to contact us before the event (the earlier the better), and we'll work with you to see if we can accommodate your needs. For example, if you're injured and can't participate in fights, you can wear a yellow armband - that alerts everyone not to physically attack you (although that doesn't mean your character can't be killed - death can take many forms). Contact information can be found on our "Contact Us" page.
All right, I'm convinced - how much does it cost, and how do I get there?
The regular event fee is $80 ($20 for a new player). The admission price includes cabin accommodations and a continental breakfast on Saturday and Sunday mornings. An all-you-can-eat dinner on Saturday evening is available for an additional $10. There are discounts available for pre-registering, and for working a 4-hour NPC shift during the event. Please see our "Event Registration" page for details and additional information.
All our regular Spring and Fall events are held at Camp Asto Wamah in Columbia, CT. Directions are available on our "Maps & Directions" page.
Can I start a new chapter of Fantasy Quest where I live?
We're very sorry, but we are not interested in licensing or franchising Fantasy Quest. We take pride in our game system, setting, and quality-oriented approach to live action role playing, and we would have little or no control over a distant chapter or franchise. We hope you understand.